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Planning Board Minutes 10/11/07
October 11, 2007
Planning Board Minutes
Meeting to order: 7:00 P.M.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:31 P.M.

Members Present: Cindy Hoogs, co-chair; Brian Puntin, co-chair; Alan Salamon; Stephen Rose; Janet Cathcart

Public Present: David Hellman, Rob Akroyd

·       Bach Project Presentation- David Hellman and Rob Akroyd from Greylock design were present to present their preliminary plan with corrections made from the previous plan based on the board’s suggestions. Greenway (the subdivision road) was widened on the plan to 16 feet. The property lines of lot number three were pushed east to allow for a driveway and appropriate access to the building site. Lot number four now utilizes the frontage on both roads; Greenway and Mt. Hunger. A plan was made to have a common driveway that accesses both lot number three and lot number four in order to only cross the wetlands once.
·       Conditions of approval- Approval of the preliminary plan does not automatically constitute approval of a definitive plan, even if the definitive plan submitted is essentially identical to the preliminary plan, the definitive plan shall conform to all aspects of the Monterey subdivision control regulations, and any waivers of said regulations shall be reviewed by the Planning Board during the definitive plan review process, before the definitive plan can be approved the applicant will need to obtain final approval from the conservation commission as the the Wetland’s Protection Act and if applicable the Scenic Mountains act, the applicant will also need to have approval of the septic system design from the Board of Health. All proposed lots shall have constructive access to said lot along its road frontage. The planning board encourages common driveways as this would reduce the impact on wetlands, clearing ect. The planning board requests that the applicant provide details, including cross sections, drainage and grades for any and all common driveways proposed on the site. Mr. Akroyd must present a draft of the maintenance agreement that would be recorded with deeds to the lots outlining the maintenance and upkeep of the subdivision road and any common driveway(s).
·       The following waivers have been requested by the applicant: waive the width of the traveled way from 24 feet wide to 16 feet wide, waive the surface of the road from pavement to a gravel surface, waive the length of the 500 foot dead-end toad to a length greater than 500 feet, waive the use of concrete bounds at the property corners and instead use iron pipes. Approval of these waivers at the preliminary plan stage does not automatically indicate approval of such waivers on the definitive plan.
·       Concerns regarding the Bach plan- Some concerns were voiced by members of the board regarding the plan presented by Mr. Akroyd and Mr. Hellman. The concern was raised that possibly there are too many limits being pushed in order to complete this project. Janet Cathcart expressed concern that this project is pushing the limits of viability in a sensitive area with major environmental issues.  Waivers for road length and road width are required to barely make it feasible.  While she does not have big issues over the width or length of the road, she notes that without these waivers, the project couldn't happen.  This project squeezes into a hillside parcel, with difficult topographical and ecological characteristics, the maximum number of subdivided lots.  While she would vote for preliminary approval, she noted that she was concerned and would watch with interest the response from the Conservation Commission and Board of Health and revisit these issues if and when the plan came back for a final review by the Planning Board.
·       Motion to approval preliminary plan- Brian Puntin made a motion to approve the preliminary plan regarding the Bach project. The motion was seconded by Stephen Rose and unanimously approved by the Planning Board.
·       Minutes from 9/27- Meeting minutes from the previous meeting were discussed and approved. Janet made the suggestion of adding headings which will be done prior to submitting to Melissa Noe.
·       Special Permit request- Western Mass and Mass Electric would like to put a new radio collocation building at Mt. Wilcox. The building will be 12x20x10 and house a generator and a radio system. It was stated in the request that there is no room in the existing building to put in a new radio tower. It is needed to improve communications between the two companies. The board sees nothing in the bylaws that gives us a position to act on this special permit. The ZBA is holding a public hearing regarding the permit on November 15th. The issue will be revisited next meeting after more research concerning the issue.
·       Resignation of Laurily Epstein- Laurily Epstein has resigned as a member of the Planning Board. The board has 30 days once the select board is notified in writing of the resignation. Brian will notify the town news that interested parties should apply in writing and please come to a meeting. Janet has spoken with Larry Klein regarding his interest. Michael Storch has also expressed some possible interest. Janet noted that Mass Law requires the vacancy to be filled by a majority vote of the combined members of the Select Board and the Planning Board.  
·       Preliminary Master Plan- Janet handed out a draft outline for guiding the development of a master plan for the town of Monterey. Reginional planning will help with the final plan. It was also brought to the board’s attention that Berkshire Regional Planning has a available legal services which can research our questions and concerns as a service offered to members.
·       Common Driveway Bylaws- After all board members have had a chance to review recent documents regarding common driveways the bylaws will be discussed at the next meeting.